【水蓝石】读The Little Prince时积累的英文单词和短句【持续更新中】

2021-01-20   671 次阅读



Chapter 2
1 until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago.
2 attempt
3 scarcely
4 jump to my feet
5 one dare not disobey
6 absurd
7 fountain-pen
8 a sheet of paper
9 crossly
10 concentrated
11 chap fellow
12 greet
13 cumbersome cucumber comber
14 indulgently gently
15 you see yourself 你自己看(不是你看看你)
16 exhausted
17 toss off
18 have a great deal of grass
19 revealed


Chapter 3
1 instance
2 have him learn that I could fly
3 modestly 为啥这个给翻译成羞愧了??是文化差异吗 记在小王子回忆录中
4 broke into a lovely peal of laughter
5 irritated
6 gleam
7 impenetrable
8 adruptly
9 toss
10 it is true that on that you can't have come from very far away...
11 sink into a reverie
12 he buried himself in ...
13 contemplation
14 treasure
15 curiosity
16 half-confidence
17 I made a great effort, therefore, to find out more on this subject
18 what is this 'where I live', of which you speak
19 reflective slience
20 a post to tie him.
21 shocked by this offer
22 queer idea
23 peal of laughter
24 straight ahead of him
25 earnestly
26 a hint of sadness hint


Chapter 4
1 I had thus learned a second fact of great importance
2 scarcely any larger than a house
3 in addition to 除...之外
4 Jupiter 木星
5 Mars 火星
6 Venus 金星
7 telescope
8 astronomer
9 asteroid
10 on making his discovery
11 demonstration
12 costume
13 reputation
14 dictator
15 under pain of (违者受到...处罚)
16 elegance
17 on account of (因为..,为了...的缘故)
18 rosy brick
19 geraniums
20 proof
21 he is charming 他很爱笑?
22 one must not hold it against them
23 show forbearance toward
24 figures are a matter of indifference
25 fashion
26 that would have given a much greater air of truth
27 grief
28 set down写下,记下
29 portraits
30 take up(开始某项职业)
31 resemblance 相似之处
32 fumble 摸索着进行
33 fair-to-middling
34 alas
35 I have had to grow old


Chapter 5
1 catastrophe 惨剧
2 baobabs 猴面包树
3 seized
4 grave(相似的有挺多,补充下)
5 bushes
6 then it follows that they also eat baobabs
7 castle
8 herd
9 eat up
10 that is strictly correct
11 self-evident
12 oblige
13 indeed
14 in consequence
15 timidly
16 sprig
17 sprout of radish
18 soil
19 infested
20 get rid of
21 discipline
22 finish your own toilet
23 resemble
24 tedious
25 you ought to make a beautiful drawing
26 put off
27 inhabited
28 neglected
29 bushe
30 moralist
31 considerable
32 i breaking through my reserve
33 skirt
34 I was carried beyond myself by the inspiring force of urgent necessity


Charpter 6
1 you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset
2 twilight
3 one loves the sunset, when one is so sad


Charpter 7
1 thorns
2 meditation
3 unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine
4 extremely
5 bolt
6 spite
7 flashed back
8 resentfulness
9 naive
10 reassure
11 hammer
12 I am very busy with matters of consequence
13 thunderstruck
14 engine-grease
15 relentlessly
16 breeze
17 swell up
18 white with rage
19 sob
20 choke
21 muzzle
22 railing
23 blundering
24 where I could overtake him and go on hand in hand with him once more
25 没太懂,这句话 it is such a secret place, the lan of tears


Charpter 8
1 petals 花瓣(们)
2 rumpled
3 field poppies
4 radiance
5 coquettish
6 adornment
7 painstaking precision
8 yawned
9 scarcely
10 disarranged
11 restrain
12 The little prince could guess easily enough that she was not any too modest(这里翻译时又成了“不太谦虚”,这里和前面组合起来让我有点混淆)
13 she added an instant later
14 abashed
15 sprinkling-can
16 he tended the flower
17 torment (折磨
18 vanity
19 for instance
20 objected
21 drafts 穿堂风,通风
22 screen 屏风
23 she had come in the form of a seed
24 embarrassed
25 verge
26 remorse
27 inseparable
28 he had taken seriously words which were without importance, and it made him very unhappy




Charpter 9
1 migration
2 a flock of
3 volcanoes
4 possessed
5 extinct
6 one never knows
7 eruptions
8 steadily
9 chimney
10 that's why they bring no end of trouble upon us
11 pull up
12 dejection
13 the last little shoots of the baobabs
14 i have been silly
15 absence
16 reproaches
17 bewildered
18 let the glass globe be
19 my cold is not so bad as all that...(能从字面上不联系上下文就能读出来的有点逞强的带有语气的口语用法呢)
20 endure
21 caterpillars
22 acquainted
23 call upon
24 linger


Chapter 10
1 royal
2 clad
3 ermine
4 throne
5 majestic
6 here is a subject(臣民?)
7 exclaimed
8 approach
9 crammed
10 obstructed
11 robe
12 etiquette
13 monarch
14 i forbid you to do that(forbid君主口气?)
15 thoroughly embarrassed
16 curiosity
17 sputtered
18 vexed
19 fundamentally
20 authority
21 tolerated
22 absolute
23 monarch
24 mantle
25 excuse my asking you a question(好像是敬语一样的意思)
26 hastened
27 gesture
28 insubordination
29 marvel
30 forsaken
31 plucked up
32 general(将军?通常?)
33 tragic drama
34 accepted authority rests first of all on reason
35 revolution
36 obedience
37 conditions
38 favourable
39 inquired
40 bulky
41 almanac
42 set out on my way
43 minister
44 justice
45 carriage
46 then you are indeed a man of true planet
47 condemn
48 occasion
49 thriftily
50 grieve
51 promptly(那个命令行?)
52 conditions are favorable
53 ambassador
54 hastily
那个国王确实也有挺多味道可以咂味,自己的命令别人不服从,就完全是自己的错。让别人想做的事成为自己给别人的命令,或者说,自己命令别人的内容都是reasonable。保住那微秒的尊严,自大,在后面随意给那个老鼠判死刑时其实也看得出来,虽然he is a good man,但他追求的皇权其实也就是掌握其他人的本质,但是他害怕别人不服从,害怕自己的尊严受到挑战,所以就说,别人不服从是他的错。但其内心里追求的皇权却是想霸占其他人的权利的,而不是帮助其他人的有分寸的。他表面的为人着想也其实只是由无能的自己使别人屈服手段。


Chapter 11
1 conceited
2 afar
3 queer
4 salute
5 acclaim
6 calp your hands, one against the other
7 directed
8 monotony
9 praise
10 demand(跟ask啥的有挺大区别)

这章一开始读时,觉得那个conceit man挺搞笑的,但是仔细一想,这tm不就是我本人吗
conceit不是一个自融洽的系统,供求永远无法满足,不可能做到完全的conceit,所以conceit整个宇宙系统所不需要的。心怀赤子,在帮助别人时,心里想的永远不是,我帮助了谁,我会什么东西。而是 希望我能更好的帮助他。才是一个让人满意且有可能能自洽的系统


Chapter 12
1 tippler(酒鬼(有“习惯性”饮酒的意思,程度比较轻))
2 plunged
3 dejection
4 lugubrious
5 inquire, demand和ask区别
6 impregnable


Chapter 13
1 cigarette gone out
2 phew
3 amuse
4 balderdash
5 giddy goose
6 (it) fall from goodness konws where.
7 frightful
8 resound
9 I made four mistakes in my addition
10 rheumatism
11 loaf
12 glittering objects
13 idle
14 accurate
15 reign
16 nevertheless
17 retorted
18 peevishly
19 is that all that is necessary
20 patent
21 satisfied
22 silk scarf
23 pluck
24 stars from heaven(??)
25 poetic

就是,最后小王子对那个Bussisman说,我拥有花朵,我每天为他们浇水。我拥有三座火山,我每周清理他们。我对我的花朵和火山们是有用的,所以我own them。但是你对你的星星来说没有任何作用,你怎么能说你拥有他们?

记得还有小王子对那个pround flower的认识。前面用有点忧郁的笔法写那朵花慢慢的表现出他的骄傲,以及对小王子的欺负,让人心生不满。然后却在最后一段笔锋一转,说虽然那朵花撒谎,自傲,喜欢欺负别人,但是我为什么要在意呢,他只是一朵花,我只要欣赏他,每天给他浇水,就足够了。严苛的要求一朵花,是对花来说不公平的。这让我有点惊到



Chapter 14
1 lamp
2 lamplighter
3 explanation
4 it may well be that this man is absurd
5 put out
6 mop
7 forehead


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